Groundbreaking Technique Yields Important New Details on possible ‘Fifth Force’
Friday, September 9 A group of researchers have used a groundbreaking new technique to reveal previously unrecognized properties of technologically crucial silicon crystals and uncovered new information about an important subatomic particle and a long-theorized fifth force of nature. The research was an international collaboration conducted at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). […]
September 10, 2021

New research opens the book on entangled qubits
Friday, September 3 Researchers have developed a new way to measure how quantum information behaves in correlated quantum systems that could be useful for understanding and improving quantum devices and quantum error correction codes. “We are all excited about the potential of quantum entanglement for quantum information processing,” said Mohamad Niknam, who was a […]
September 7, 2021

Repurposing potential drug candidates for the treatment of COVID-19
Summary The main protease (Mpro) in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus responsible for the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), has emerged as a promising drug target. The scientific community has produced a large number of crystallographic structures of the protease, which mediates viral replication and transcription. These structures report several fragments with varied chemotypes […]
May 6, 2020

Rydberg Atom Array Quantum Simulator
Summary Quantum simulators enable probing the static and dynamic properties of correlated quantum many-body systems that would otherwise be numerically inaccessible using classical simulators. We are developing quantum simulators based on arrays of neutral atoms excited to Rydberg states. Such Rydberg atom arrays are advantageous for simulating the dynamics of interacting spin systems (Ising spin […]
February 27, 2020

Reliably operating noisy quantum computers
Summary The overall goal of the project is to develop practical methods to be able to reliably run useful applications on near-term quantum computers. This requires identifying and overcoming the ubiquitous errors that currently limit quantum computing capabilities. Traditional methods of quantifying errors in quantum computers fail to predict how errors affect the output of […]
January 22, 2020

Entangled Photon Orbital Angular Momentum Arrays
Summary Arrays of orbital angular momentum (OAM) states of light are a new form of structured light so far relatively unexplored in quantum information science. Unlike spin angular momentum of light, which is related to light’s polarization and covers two dimensions, OAM states, sometimes described as ‘donut beams’ due to the shape of the field […]
September 19, 2019
QuantumIon: an open-access quantum computing platform
Summary Trapped ions are one of the most advanced technologies for quantum computing, offering multi-qubit control in a universal quantum computing architecture and the ability to perform calculations with unprecedented precision. In this project we construct a shared trapped-ion quantum computing platform, QuantumIon, that will enable a broader and interdisciplinary scientific community to access an […]
September 9, 2019
Line-Scanning optical coherence tomography system for in-vivo, non-invasive imaging of the cellular structure and blood perfusion of biological tissue
Summary Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an optical imaging method that allows for in-vivo, non-invasive imaging of the structure and vasculature of biological tissue. Commercially available, clinical OCT systems utilize point-scanning method to acquire volumetric images over a large surface with typical frame rates of ~ 30 frames/ second. Since living biological tissue is constantly […]
August 27, 2019
Novel Superconducting Qubits for Error-Corrected Processors
Summary In this project, we develop novel superconducting qubits for error-corrected processors to enable large-scale quantum computing. Our design efforts will specifically target error-corrected architectures through a variety of paths. Possible features will include built-in parity measurements and the use of bosonic codes, such as Fock state and Cat codes, as our starting focus. Early […]
June 26, 2019

Quantum Computational Resources in the Presence of Symmetry
Summary Fault-tolerance is essential to the performance of quantum technologies, but known schemes are extremely resource intensive. Thus, improving existing schemes or inventing new schemes is of central importance. This joint project is based on the realization that fault-tolerance schemes make use of symmetries in fundamental ways, and that studying the problem of fault tolerance […]
March 13, 2019

Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Quantum Materials, Devices and Molecules
Summary This project advances our ability to characterize and study novel quantum materials, quantum devices, and even individual molecules at the atomic level. By combining Non-Contact Atomic Force Microscopy (NC-AFM), Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) and scanning gate methods, we correlate spatial information with transport properties and can locally manipulate charge, spin and structural states. […]
January 28, 2019

Composite Superconductors for Improved Quantum Coherence
Summary Conventional superconductors have trouble performing well in magnetic fields required for electron spin resonance (ESR) – based quantum information processing applications. We can, however, use proximity engineering to select desired properties from different materials and combine them for improved superconducting performance in magnetic fields — an improvement that would have strong implications for […]
December 12, 2018

Topological Properties of Exciton-Polaritons in a Kagome Lattice as a Solid-state Quantum Simulator
Summary In this project, we build a solid-state quantum simulator for engineering a specific Hamiltonian. Quantum simulators are purpose-built devices with little to no need for error correction, thereby making this type of hardware less demanding than universal quantum computers. Our platform consists of exciton-polariton condensates in multiple quantum-wells sandwiched in a semiconductor Bragg […]
December 8, 2018

Hybrid Quantum Materials towards Topological Quantum Computing
Summary Proximity engineered hybrid materials have shown promise for topological quantum information processing. This form of quantum computing provides a stable, error-tolerant approach for building scalable quantum information processors. Topological quantum computing relies on braiding non-Abelian particles, such as Majorana fermions, which do not exist in nature. One can however use materials engineering to […]
December 8, 2018
Quantum Sensing Applications using Quantum Communication Technology
Summary The Quantum Encryption and Science Satellite provides a platform to develop and deploy quantum sensing and metrology via photonic channels. This project will build upon ‘free-space’ quantum communication technology and explore new approaches and methods to advance two primary applications: quantum-enhanced telescopes, and spectroscopic sensing for methane detection in the atmosphere. For the […]
December 8, 2018

Silicon Platform for Electron Spin Qubits
Summary Scaling solid-state quantum processors to a useful threshold while maintaining the requisite precision in quantum control remains a challenge. We propose a quantum metal-oxide-semiconductor (QMOS) architecture operating at cryogenic temperatures that is based on a network/node approach as a means to scalability. By working with QMOS, we benefit from the deep investments and […]
December 7, 2018

Hybrid Quantum Repeater based on Atomic Quantum Memories and Telecom Wavelength Entangled Photon-Pairs Generated from Semiconductor Nanowires
Summary Losses in physical channels, such as optical fibres, limit existing quantum communication systems to modest distance ranges. Since amplification of quantum signals is fundamentally not possible, we look to extend the range and functionality of these quantum channels by adding quantum memory nodes that can daisy-chain multiple lengths of quantum channels through entanglement […]
October 29, 2018

On-Chip Microwave-Optical Quantum Interface
Summary In this project we develop a quantum interface between microwave and optical photons as a key enabling technology of a hybrid quantum network. In such a network, the robust optical photons carry quantum information through optical fibres over long distances, while superconducting microwave circuits protected from thermal photon noise by the low temperature […]
October 29, 2018
Spin-transfer Torque Magnetic Random Access Memory for On-chip Spin Information Storage
Summary Leakage power in semiconductor memories, such as Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) and Static Random Access Memory (SRAM), can be substantial and is one of the limits for scalability of classical electronics. This is attributed to the fact that the information stored is volatile, requiring constant refreshing, as well as reprogramming upon powering […]
August 6, 2018

Applications of Neutron Interferometry and Structured Neutron Beams
Summary Neutrons are a powerful probe of matter and physics due to their Angstrom size wavelengths, electric neutrality and relatively large mass. In this project, we develop quantum sensors that exploit these attributes to increases the precision of measurements of fundamental forces and materials structure. With David Cory, Alexander Cronin of the University of Arizona, […]
July 31, 2018