Quantum simulators enable probing the static and dynamic properties of correlated quantum many-body systems that would otherwise be numerically inaccessible using classical simulators. We are developing quantum simulators based on arrays of neutral atoms excited to Rydberg states. Such Rydberg atom arrays are advantageous for simulating the dynamics of interacting spin systems (Ising spin models) in higher dimensions and arbitrary geometries. Our first simulator uses alkali atoms trapped in two-dimensional arrays of optical tweezers. It is currently being designed, built and operated by our team. It will be used for studying many-body quantum dynamics, non-equilibrium physics, and quantum chaos. We will explore these areas after optimizing our control gates and engineering interactions using coherent excitation to Rydberg states. We will also explore novel ideas presented by the early adopter community, such as approaches to gain better insight into advanced materials. Finally, as this project involves the development of novel quantum hardware, including an optimal control toolbox and advanced laser systems, it may lead to further application to quantum enhanced sensing and precision metrology.

Figure 1. Classical simulation of the dynamics of a chain of five interacting atoms exhibiting coherent many-body oscillations after being adiabatically driven across a phase transition from a disordered state into an ordered state and suddenly quenched into a far-from-equilibrium state. Quantum simulators enable extending those simulation results into numerically inaccessible regimes for larger system sizes and higher dimensions.
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