Implementing High-fidelity Quantum Gates in Multi-level Trapped Ions
Summary The scalability of quantum processors is limited by current error rates for single-qubit gates. By encoding more than a single bit of information within a single ion, multi-level “qudits” offer a promising method of increasing the information density within a quantum processor, and therefore minimizing the number of gates and associated error rates. […]
July 30, 2018

Engineering and Characterizing Programmable Interaction Graphs in a Trapped Ion Quantum Simulator
Summary Quantum simulators have the potential to bring unprecedented capabilities in areas such as the discovery of new materials and drugs. Engineering precise and programmable interaction graphs between qubits or spins forms the backbone of simulator applications. The trapped ion system is unique in that the interaction graph between qubits can be programmed, in […]
July 24, 2018
Quantum Benchmark launches True-Q™ software
Monday, July 16, 2018 Suite of solutions increases reach of quantum computing to solve real-world problems July 16, 2018 (Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada) – Quantum Benchmark (“the Company”), a software company focused on delivering quantum computing solutions, is pleased to announce the commercial launch of its True-Q™ software system. Errors are endemic in quantum computing. If […]
July 16, 2018

Quantum Light Sources Based on Deterministic Photon Subtraction
Summary This project develops new sources of light that utilize quantum entanglement to enhance imaging resolution and detection. We aim to go beyond simple photon pairs and advance our understanding and control of new quantum states of light. Our approach uses deterministic single-photon subtraction (removing of a specific photon from a pulse of light) […]
July 13, 2018

Ultrafast Dynamical Studies of Valley-Based Qubits
Summary As monolayers, transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) – such as tungsten diselenide (WSe2) – become direct-bandgap semiconductors capable of emitting light. Compared to conventional direct-bandgap semiconductors, such as III-V semiconductors like GaAs, excitons (quasiparticles made of an electron hole bound with an electron) and single-layer TMDCs (SL-TMDCs) have much stronger binding energy. Excitons and […]
June 29, 2018

Cryo-CMOS to Control and Operate 2D Fault-Tolerant Qubit Network
Summary Large-scale, fault-tolerant quantum computation requires precise and stable control of individual qubits. This project will use complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology to provide a cost-effective scalable platform for reliable and high-density control infrastructure for silicon spin qubits. We will use sub-micron CMOS technology to address device and circuit-level challenges and explore the integration of […]
June 14, 2018
The role of frequency-shifting in quantum scalability
Friday, June 8, 2018 Researchers at IQC have developed new methods for preventing leakage errors due to cavity modes, an important obstacle in building a scalable quantum computer. The Digital Quantum Matter (DQM) lab, led by researcher Matteo Mariantoni, studied two frequency-shifting techniques to prevent a quantum system’s own hardware from interfering with […]
June 12, 2018

Quantum State Tomography with Machine Learning
Summary An important challenge in building a quantum computer is quantifying the level of control obtained in the preparation of a quantum state. The state of a quantum device is characterized from experimental measurements, using a procedure known as tomography. Exact tomography requires a vast amount of computer resources, making it prohibitive for quantum […]
June 6, 2018
Latest Project Posters for Quantum Dynamics of Cavity Interactions with Spin Ensembles
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
November 28, 2017
Tunable Dirac points and high spin polarization in ferromagnetic-strain graphene superlattices
Abstract Spin-dependent energy bands and transport properties of ferromagnetic-strain graphene superlattices are studied. The high spin polarization appears at the Dirac points due to the presence of spin-dependent Dirac points in the energy band structure. A gap can be induced in the vicinity of Dirac points by strain and the width of the gap is […]
November 7, 2017

Developing Tools for Quantum Characterization and Validation
Summary Coherence is essential for quantum computation; yet it introduces a unique sensitivity to any imperfections in hardware design, control systems, and the operating environment. Overcoming these sensitivities requires a hierarchy of strategies, ranging from optimization of the hardware architecture to software solutions including quantum error correction. Randomized Benchmarking Protocols are an important family of […]
October 3, 2017

Scalable quantum computers within reach
Monday, September 18, 2017 Quantum machine learning and artificial intelligence, quantum-safe cryptography, and simulation of quantum systems all rely on the power of quantum computing. A team of Waterloo physicists at the have taken a step closer to realizing the powerful possibilities of a universal quantum computer. Department of Physics and Astronomy Prof. Matteo Mariantoni leads the Laboratory for Digital […]
September 18, 2017
Valley precession and valley polarization in graphene with inter-valley coupling
Abstract We theoretically investigate the valley precession and valley polarization in graphene under inter-valley coupling. Our results show that the inter-valley coupling can induce valley polarization in graphene and also precess valleys in real space in a manner similar to the Rashba spin–orbit interaction rotating spins. Moreover, using strain modulation, we can achieve high valley […]
August 29, 2017
Helical edge states and edge-state transport in strained armchair graphene nanoribbons
Abstract A helical type edge state, which is generally supported only on graphene with zigzag boundaries, is found to also appear in armchair graphene nanoribbons in the presence of intrinsic spin-orbit coupling and a suitable strain. At a critical strain, there appears a quantum phase transition from a quantum spin Hall state to a trivial […]
August 18, 2017

Quantum Simulation of Strongly Coupled Field Theories
Strongly-coupled field theories describe both fundamental and applied quantum problems.
August 10, 2017
Phonon engineering in proximity enhanced superconductor heterostructures
In this research, we tailor the phonon density of states (DOS) in thin superconducting films to suppress quasiparticle losses.
June 27, 2017

Carbon Nanotube Monolayer Josephson Junction Superconducting Qubit
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are a promising material for use in Josephson-Junctions (JJs) given their unique properties, such as high electrical conductivity, pristine surface, inherent nanoscale dimension, and silicon-compatible processing
June 1, 2017

Two-Dimensional Quantum Materials and Heterostructures
Two-dimensional (2D) layers just one atom thick can be stripped from certain materials, such as graphene.
June 1, 2017

Quantum Information Processing with Molecular Lattices
The aim of the work is to develop theoretical tools to simulate and predict the behaviour of a one-dimensional chain of trapped dipolar molecules and to study the nature of entanglement as a design resource.
June 1, 2017
High-Quality Epitaxial MgB2 Josephson Junctions Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Abstract Epitaxial MgB2 films are grown with molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and optimized with the assistance of in situ reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED). The RHEED patterns clearly revealed the evolution of film structures with growth temperatures and Mg:B ratio, providing the most direct guidance on optimizing growth conditions. A threshold temperature is identified, below which excess Mg […]
February 20, 2017