TEM Open House fosters collaboration among the UWaterloo community
TEM Open House fosters collaboration among the UWaterloo community Event held on Tuesday, October 29, 2024 Transformative Quantum Technologies (TQT) and the Quantum-Nano Fabrication and Characterization Facility (QNFCF) hosted a Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Open House to celebrate one year of the QNFCF’s launch of advanced S/TEM capabilities and explore collaboration opportunities across the […]
October 31, 2024

TEM Open House
TEM Open House Event to be held on Tuesday, October 29, 2024, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM, QNC 0101. The Quantum Nano Fabrication and Characterization Facility (QNFCF) and Transformative Quantum Technologies (TQT) will be hosting a Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Open House to celebrate one year of QNFCF’s launch of advanced S/TEM capabilities. Join […]
September 16, 2024

Waterloo researchers advance nanoscale imaging capabilities
Thursday, August 22, 2024 Dynamic nuclear polarization and nanometer-scale magnetic resonance imaging creates unprecedented opportunities to study biological structures Dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) has revolutionized the field of nanoscale nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), making it possible to study a wider range of materials, biomolecules and complex dynamic processes such as how proteins fold […]
August 22, 2024
The world is one step closer to secure quantum communication on a global scale
The world is one step closer to secure quantum communication on a global scale Monday, March 25, 2024 University of Waterloo researchers combine Nobel prize-winning concepts to achieve scientific breakthrough Scientists can now efficiently produce nearly perfect entangled photon pairs from quantum dot sources. Entangled photons are particles of light that remain connected, even […]
March 25, 2024
Waterloo's Quantum
QVI - Quantum Valley Investments RAC - RAC Complex QVIL - Quantum Valley Ideas Lab IQC - Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo (UW) QNF - Quantum Nanofab, UW PI - The Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics LI - Lazardis Institute for the Management of Technology

Designing for a sustainable future using quantum technologies
Designing for a sustainable future using quantum technologies Friday, April 26, 2024 On April 18, Transformative Quantum Technologies (TQT) awarded six research teams and their design ideas for the Quantum for Environment (Q4Environment) Design Challenge, whose green-tech solutions address global environmental issues. Ideas included using quantum computing to improve medical devices, and sensors that […]
April 26, 2024

TQT Hosts a Patent Information Session
TQT Hosts a Patent Information Session Event held on Thursday, April 25, 2024 On April 25, the TQT team welcomed John Dick (Director, Velocity Campus) and Alroy Almeida (Deep Tech Director, Velocity) to highlight the IP support and funding that is available to TQT researchers. The Velocity team drew attention to funding opportunities such […]
April 25, 2024

Science that matters: Master’s student prepares for an imaginative career in the growing quantum industry
Science that matters: Master’s student prepares for an imaginative career in the growing quantum industry Monday. April 15, 2024 Grant Brassem is part of the third cohort of students to embark on the Quantum Technology specialization within the Master of Science in Physics program. This new 12-month, course-based degree lets students push the frontiers of knowledge […]
April 15, 2024
Patent Information Session
Patent Information Session Event to be held: Thursday, April 25, 1-2 pm, RAC 1, 3003 TQT will be hosting a Patent Information Session on Thursday, April 25, 1 pm – 2 pm at RAC 1, 3003. Hear from Velocity and TQT representatives on the support and resources that are available for TQT researchers regarding […]
April 4, 2024

Uncovering potential applications of quantum sensing
Uncovering potential applications of quantum sensing Event held on Thursday, February 29, 2024 On February 29, Velocity & TQT jointly hosted the Quantum Sensing Workshop. 8 UW students were invited to the Research Advancement Center (RAC) 1 to hear talks on quantum sensing and perform experiments utilizing Nitrogen Vacancy (NV) centers in diamond. Michael […]
February 29, 2024

TQT event bridges gap between quantum and environment
TQT event bridges gap between quantum and environment Event held on Thursday, February 15, 2024 TQT hosted the Quantum for Environment Information Session: How Can Quantum Address Environmental Challenges on Thursday, February 15, 2024. The event brought together speakers and attendees from both the quantum and environment communities. Speakers from the environmental community outlined […]
February 15, 2024
Integrated external cavity lasers will enhance quantum atomic technologies
Photonic integrated circuits could reduce laser systems to chip-scale devices. Cold atoms provide a powerful platform for the implementation of technological applications in quantum computing, sensing and communication. Electronic transitions in these atoms have very precise and particular wavelengths. Lasers that can be tuned to these exact wavelengths are required to manipulate the internal […]
April 17, 2023

TQT’s Quantum Quest Seed Fund awarded to eight new projects spanning quantum materials to quantum dots
Developing new two-dimensional (2D) quantum materials and heterostructures to advance quantum technology development are among the goals of the eight projects supported by the 10th and 11th cycles of the Quantum Quest Seed Fund. The Quantum Quest Seed Fund (QQSF) is designed to encourage quantum innovation across the grand challenges of the Transformative Quantum […]
April 10, 2023
A programmable structured light interferometer has shown remarkable advancements in studying disorders and diseases of the human eye
A collaboration between the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC), the University of Waterloo School of Optometry and Vision Science, and the Center for Eye and Vision Research in Hong Kong is working on a programmable structured light interferometer that can detect debilitating eye diseases and disorders such as macular degeneration before irreversible damage occurs. […]
April 3, 2023
Nanodiamond quantum sensors are a promising new avenue for virus mRNA detection
A novel quantum sensor based on nanodiamonds may better detect the presence of viruses that cause diseases, such as the SARS-CoV-2 virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic. Reverse transcriptase quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is the current gold-standard diagnostic technique for virus detection; however, the method suffers from the need for trained personnel, special […]
March 30, 2023

Towards large area, resonant quantum tunneling diodes by continuous Langmuir transfer of exfoliated 2D materials
Summary Atomically thin 2D materials constitute promising building blocks for quantum devices due to their exotic, layer-dependent electronic properties. The ability to stack these materials in alternating layers enables heterostructures to be built in almost limitless combinations and over small enough length scales to observe quantum phenomena. So far though, practical implementation of devices based […]
April 1, 2020

Rydberg Atom Array Quantum Simulator
Summary Quantum simulators enable probing the static and dynamic properties of correlated quantum many-body systems that would otherwise be numerically inaccessible using classical simulators. We are developing quantum simulators based on arrays of neutral atoms excited to Rydberg states. Such Rydberg atom arrays are advantageous for simulating the dynamics of interacting spin systems (Ising spin […]
February 27, 2020

Reliably operating noisy quantum computers
Summary The overall goal of the project is to develop practical methods to be able to reliably run useful applications on near-term quantum computers. This requires identifying and overcoming the ubiquitous errors that currently limit quantum computing capabilities. Traditional methods of quantifying errors in quantum computers fail to predict how errors affect the output of […]
January 22, 2020

Quantum Material Multilayer Photonic Devices and Network
Summary Realizing highly integrated quantum photonic devices on a chip can enable new opportunities for photonic quantum computation. In this project, we explore heterostructures of stacked two-dimensional (2D) materials, such transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDC) or graphene, combined with optical microcavities as a platform for such devices. 2D materials are extremely thin and flexible, and have […]
December 12, 2019

Tuning Spin-Exchange Interactions in Low-Dimensional Metal Halide Perovskites: A New Class of Semiconductor Quantum Materials
Summary Leakage current in electronic components is one of the limiting factors for the performance of conventional computers which use charges and currents as physical information carriers. Spintronics offers an alternative by using electron spin for information transfer, processing and storage, enabling the design of non-volatile computer memory and more energy-efficient electronic devices. In this […]
October 1, 2019

Free-space Polarization-selective Microcavity based on Chiral Metasurfaces
Summary Developing a new type of Fabry-Pérot cavity that allows improved control of the atoms’ emission into the cavity mode will result in enhancement of the efficiency and fidelity of quantum state transfer from photons to atoms and back. This in turn can be used to improve the performance of quantum networks and repeaters, as […]
September 19, 2019

Entangled Photon Orbital Angular Momentum Arrays
Summary Arrays of orbital angular momentum (OAM) states of light are a new form of structured light so far relatively unexplored in quantum information science. Unlike spin angular momentum of light, which is related to light’s polarization and covers two dimensions, OAM states, sometimes described as ‘donut beams’ due to the shape of the field […]
September 19, 2019
QuantumIon: an open-access quantum computing platform
Summary Trapped ions are one of the most advanced technologies for quantum computing, offering multi-qubit control in a universal quantum computing architecture and the ability to perform calculations with unprecedented precision. In this project we construct a shared trapped-ion quantum computing platform, QuantumIon, that will enable a broader and interdisciplinary scientific community to access an […]
September 9, 2019
Line-Scanning optical coherence tomography system for in-vivo, non-invasive imaging of the cellular structure and blood perfusion of biological tissue
Summary Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an optical imaging method that allows for in-vivo, non-invasive imaging of the structure and vasculature of biological tissue. Commercially available, clinical OCT systems utilize point-scanning method to acquire volumetric images over a large surface with typical frame rates of ~ 30 frames/ second. Since living biological tissue is constantly […]
August 27, 2019