Folk Understanding of Quantum Physics
Summary It is often said that quantum concepts are counterintuitive. However, quantum concepts may not be equally counterintuitive to people from all cultural backgrounds. As cultural psychologists have discovered, culture fundamentally shapes the way people make sense of the world. In particular, the last few decades of research have documented cultural differences in appreciation of […]
March 24, 2021
Using Interactive Digital Storytelling to Represent Transformative Quantum Technologies in Augmented/Extended Reality Environments
Summary A major roadblock to the broader adoption of quantum technologies is the long learning curve associated with their seemingly abstract concepts. This often renders quantum technologies inaccessible to most audiences, especially through explanations using conventional scientific language. In this project, we develop novel methods of interactive digital storytelling – augmented and extended reality (AR/XR) […]
February 24, 2021

A Reformulation of Quantum Game Theory
Summary Classical game theory – conducted at the interface between economics and computer science – has found applications in topics ranging from networking and security to online markets. Despite over 20 years of research into connections between game theory and quantum information, we have yet to see any significant implications of quantum information when applied […]
April 1, 2020
Advanced microwave electronics enabling quantum technologies
Summary Superconducting quantum computers require quantum-limited measurements at microwave frequencies in order to implement error correction. Conventionally, this is accomplished using near quantum-limited Josephson Parametric Amplifiers (JPAs). The JPAs require bulky ferrite-based circulators that prevent on-chip integration of the amplifiers with the processor and take up the majority of space and cooling power in the […]
April 1, 2020

Towards large area, resonant quantum tunneling diodes by continuous Langmuir transfer of exfoliated 2D materials
Summary Atomically thin 2D materials constitute promising building blocks for quantum devices due to their exotic, layer-dependent electronic properties. The ability to stack these materials in alternating layers enables heterostructures to be built in almost limitless combinations and over small enough length scales to observe quantum phenomena. So far though, practical implementation of devices based […]
April 1, 2020

Novel High-Speed Receiver for Quantum Communication and Sensing
Summary An essential aspect of a quantum channel is the detection and analysis of quantum signals in the form of photons. For most free-space applications, the photons are polarization encoded, e.g. by assigning the ‘0’ to horizontally polarized photons and ‘1’ to vertically polarized photons. However, where the geometric reference is not constant at all […]
January 1, 2019