The Quantum Encryption and Science Satellite provides a platform to develop and deploy quantum sensing and metrology via photonic channels. This project will build upon ‘free-space’ quantum communication technology and explore new approaches and methods to advance two primary applications: quantum-enhanced telescopes, and spectroscopic sensing for methane detection in the atmosphere. For the telescope application we will develop novel methods for imaging using multi-photon interference, such as in long-baseline telescopes. For greenhouse gas monitoring, we will perform a detailed analysis of a two-photon sensing setup, prepare a feasibility study on trace gas metrology using quantum communication channels, and move the demonstration from in-lab to outdoors, and finally to field deployment (two optical telescopes). This project also supports long-distance quantum communication by providing a framework and justification for quantum repeater networks. We expect these advancements will find wider application in enhanced performance of atmospheric environmental monitoring and imaging.
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