Spin-preserving chiral photonic crystal mirror
Sunday, July 5, 2020 An illustrative description of the performance of the photonic crystal mirror. The chiral photonic crystal structure can be printed on banknotes and official documents against counterfeiting. Upon applying purely circularly polarized lights of a certain handedness, the patterns would be revealed. By: by Semnani, Behrooz, Jeremy Flannery, Rubayet Al Maruf, and […]
July 5, 2020

Quantum researchers able to split one photon into three
Thursday, February 27, 2020 En français Researchers from the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) at the University of Waterloo report the first occurrence of directly splitting one photon into three. The occurrence, the first of its kind, used the spontaneous parametric down-conversion method (SPDC) in quantum optics and created what quantum optics researchers call […]
February 27, 2020

Entangled Photon Orbital Angular Momentum Arrays
Summary Arrays of orbital angular momentum (OAM) states of light are a new form of structured light so far relatively unexplored in quantum information science. Unlike spin angular momentum of light, which is related to light’s polarization and covers two dimensions, OAM states, sometimes described as ‘donut beams’ due to the shape of the field […]
September 19, 2019
Quantum Sensing Applications using Quantum Communication Technology
Summary The Quantum Encryption and Science Satellite provides a platform to develop and deploy quantum sensing and metrology via photonic channels. This project will build upon ‘free-space’ quantum communication technology and explore new approaches and methods to advance two primary applications: quantum-enhanced telescopes, and spectroscopic sensing for methane detection in the atmosphere. For the […]
December 8, 2018

On-Chip Microwave-Optical Quantum Interface
Summary In this project we develop a quantum interface between microwave and optical photons as a key enabling technology of a hybrid quantum network. In such a network, the robust optical photons carry quantum information through optical fibres over long distances, while superconducting microwave circuits protected from thermal photon noise by the low temperature […]
October 29, 2018