Quantum materials that exhibit strong electron correlations lead to phenomena, such as superconductivity and topologically protected states, that are important for quantum computation, sensing, and other applications. For example, we may utilize symmetry protected topological states to make qubits that are robust against decoherence, while advances in high temperature superconductors may significantly reduce losses in power distribution. However, key gaps remain in our understanding of cuprates and other strongly correlated materials.
In this project we will develop an Angle Resolved Inverse Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARIPES) tool and use it to probe unoccupied electronic states of such materials. Our objectives are to identify the correct theoretical descriptions of cuprates and other correlated materials and search for hallmarks of topological materials, such as Dirac and Weyl nodes. Furthermore, with this tool we will produce momentum-resolved maps of the unoccupied bands. This project will develop Canada’s only operational ARIPES tool, and is expected to rapidly develop our understanding of quantum materials.

Figure 1. Ultra-high vacuum angle resolved inverse photoemission instrument in the Quantum Materials Spectroscopy Lab at the University of Waterloo
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