Topological Properties of Exciton-Polaritons in a Kagome Lattice as a Solid-state Quantum Simulator
Summary In this project, we build a solid-state quantum simulator for engineering a specific Hamiltonian. Quantum simulators are purpose-built devices with little to no need for error correction, thereby making this type of hardware less demanding than universal quantum computers. Our platform consists of exciton-polariton condensates in multiple quantum-wells sandwiched in a semiconductor Bragg […]
December 8, 2018

Engineering and Characterizing Programmable Interaction Graphs in a Trapped Ion Quantum Simulator
Summary Quantum simulators have the potential to bring unprecedented capabilities in areas such as the discovery of new materials and drugs. Engineering precise and programmable interaction graphs between qubits or spins forms the backbone of simulator applications. The trapped ion system is unique in that the interaction graph between qubits can be programmed, in […]
July 24, 2018

Quantum Simulation of Strongly Coupled Field Theories
Strongly-coupled field theories describe both fundamental and applied quantum problems.
August 10, 2017