Leakage current in electronic components is one of the limiting factors for the performance of conventional computers which use charges and currents as physical information carriers. Spintronics offers an alternative by using electron spin for information transfer, processing and storage, enabling the design of non-volatile computer memory and more energy-efficient electronic devices. In this project, we develop a new class of low-dimensional quantum materials for spintronics applications, which are based on colloidal metal halide perovskite semiconductor nanostructures. We explore the control of spin polarization in these systems based on magnetic exchange interactions between dopant centers and the nanocrystal charge carriers. A particular focus is on tuning spin exchange interactions by the selection of dopants and the ability to compositionally modulate nanocrystal band structure. Beyond spintronics, our results on spin interactions in metal halide perovskite nanostructures could open a new field of material research and ultimately result in new approaches to quantum information processing.
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