Proximity engineered hybrid materials have shown promise for topological quantum information processing. This form of quantum computing provides a stable, error-tolerant approach for building scalable quantum information processors. Topological quantum computing relies on braiding non-Abelian particles, such as Majorana fermions, which do not exist in nature. One can however use materials engineering to create these particles in topological insulators that are proximity coupled to superconductors and magnetic insulators. In this project we synthesize high quality topological insulators and superconductors, couple them together to form a clean interface (“strong proximity”), and use tunneling spectroscopy to identify the presence of Majorana fermions. Once we are able to move the Majorana particles in a controlled fashion, we then braid an array of them and extract topological quantum information. This will provide the first demonstration of non-Abelian statistics on topological insulators and the first realization of topological quantum computing.

Figure 1. Example of a superconductor/topological insulator (TI) heterostructure on sapphire. Well-defined interfaces are clearly visible.
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