It is often said that quantum concepts are counterintuitive. However, quantum concepts may not be equally counterintuitive to people from all cultural backgrounds. As cultural psychologists have discovered, culture fundamentally shapes the way people make sense of the world. In particular, the last few decades of research have documented cultural differences in appreciation of dialectical folk epistemology—i.e., recognition of uncertainty and the validity of positions that seem logically contradictory. Furthermore, learning quantum concepts has the potential to promote dialectical reasoning, leading to important social implications. Amongst other positive social outcomes, dialectical reasoning helps people resolve social conflicts, promotes interpersonal and intergroup harmony, and enables forecasting accuracy of social and geopolitical events.
In this project, we seek to provide novel insights into how cultures will adapt to the growing presence of quantum technologies by exploring the links between folk dialecticism and perception/acceptance of quantum physics, drawing on cross-cultural research and psychological methods. If our hypothesized effects are obtained, they may suggest that the integration of quantum technologies into societies not only transforms the economy but also drives constructive cultural change.
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