Superconducting quantum computers require quantum-limited measurements at microwave frequencies in order to implement error correction. Conventionally, this is accomplished using near quantum-limited Josephson Parametric Amplifiers (JPAs). The JPAs require bulky ferrite-based circulators that prevent on-chip integration of the amplifiers with the processor and take up the majority of space and cooling power in the cryogenic system. In this project, we develop a new type of circulator that does not require large magnetic fields or the use of ferrites, which makes them suitable for on-chip integration and scalability. We combine the expertise of Chris Wilson’s group in superconducting quantum electronics with our experience in microwave technology to accelerate new and innovative designs. By integrating the processor and amplifier on-chip, our goal is to develop robust microwave electronics that will serve as a key enabler for a range of quantum technologies, spanning computation, sensing and communication.
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