Quantum Innovators Science and Engineering
The workshop brings together the most promising young researchers in quantum physics and engineering
October 2, 2017

Quantum Innovators Computer Science & Mathematics
The Quantum Innovators in Computer Science and Mathematics workshop brings together promising young researchers working on theoretical aspects of quantum information and computation in computer science and mathematics.
September 18, 2017
Towards New Ideas and Applications for Quantum Devices
Seven projects led by faculty across three departments have been awarded a combined total of $615,834 from the inaugural cycle of the Quantum Quest Seed Fund.
August 8, 2017

Development of Terahertz Polariton Lasers
Theoretical and experimental results show that the polariton lasing mechanism is a promising basis for a compact, efficient source of terahertz radiation.
July 1, 2017

Quantum Information Processing with Molecular Lattices
The aim of the work is to develop theoretical tools to simulate and predict the behaviour of a one-dimensional chain of trapped dipolar molecules and to study the nature of entanglement as a design resource.
June 1, 2017

Qubits and Quantum Effects in Biology
It is unknown whether biological processes make direct use of quantum effects, as opposed to depending merely on the influence of quantum physics on chemical bonding and molecular structure.
June 1, 2017