Next-generation quantum detectors show significant promise in medical applications and beyond
Researchers supported by Transformative Quantum Technologies (TQT) have fabricated quantum detectors with remarkable electrical and optical properties that will advance photodetection across a broad range of applications. Detection of light down to the single photon level opens up new possibilities for various technologies. “When dose monitoring for cancer treatment, we need high sensitivity photon detection […]
January 24, 2023

Novel High-Speed Receiver for Quantum Communication and Sensing
Summary An essential aspect of a quantum channel is the detection and analysis of quantum signals in the form of photons. For most free-space applications, the photons are polarization encoded, e.g. by assigning the ‘0’ to horizontally polarized photons and ‘1’ to vertically polarized photons. However, where the geometric reference is not constant at all […]
January 1, 2019

On-Chip Microwave-Optical Quantum Interface
Summary In this project we develop a quantum interface between microwave and optical photons as a key enabling technology of a hybrid quantum network. In such a network, the robust optical photons carry quantum information through optical fibres over long distances, while superconducting microwave circuits protected from thermal photon noise by the low temperature […]
October 29, 2018