New mirror made for quantum research could catch counterfeit cash
Monday, April 13, 2020 En français Researchers at the University of Waterloo’s Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) have developed a new kind of mirror that could be used to protect against counterfeit banknotes. Photons—quantum particles of light—can be left or right-handed, like humans. In some applications, researchers need to be able to sort left […]
April 13, 2020

Quantum Material Multilayer Photonic Devices and Network
Summary Realizing highly integrated quantum photonic devices on a chip can enable new opportunities for photonic quantum computation. In this project, we explore heterostructures of stacked two-dimensional (2D) materials, such transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDC) or graphene, combined with optical microcavities as a platform for such devices. 2D materials are extremely thin and flexible, and have […]
December 12, 2019

Combined momentum- and real-space photoelectric probes of dimensionality-tuned Weyl semimetals
Summary The library of two-dimensional (2D) materials has recently grown to include topological insulators and semimetals. Their incorporation in special device geometries may lead to novel quantum electronics with enhanced functionalities. Weyl semimetals, in particular, offer the most robust form of topological protection. Recent results from our group indicate that Weyl nodes should be […]
March 12, 2019

Zero-Dimensional Quantum Materials for the Next Generation of Highly-Selective Chemical Sensors
Summary Heavy metals are a major public health concern and their on-site detection in water supplies is not well served by existing lab techniques. We develop a new multi-modal platform comprising functionalized quantum dots of two-dimensional materials (2D-QDs) for the sensing of four highly-toxic heavy metal pollutants (arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury). The zero-dimensional […]
March 11, 2019

Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Quantum Materials, Devices and Molecules
Summary This project advances our ability to characterize and study novel quantum materials, quantum devices, and even individual molecules at the atomic level. By combining Non-Contact Atomic Force Microscopy (NC-AFM), Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) and scanning gate methods, we correlate spatial information with transport properties and can locally manipulate charge, spin and structural states. […]
January 28, 2019

Harnessing the Promise of Quantum Materials for Future Electronic Devices
Summary Two-dimensional (2D) quantum materials, such as graphene and molybdenum disulfide, have great potential for use in future flexible and wearable electronics applications. With traditional silicon-based electronics nearing their theoretical performance limits, nano-electronics made from 2D quantum materials offer breakthrough opportunities for energy-efficient, wearable ubiquitous computation. In this project, we will study integration of […]
June 14, 2018

Two-Dimensional Quantum Materials and Heterostructures
Two-dimensional (2D) layers just one atom thick can be stripped from certain materials, such as graphene.
June 1, 2017