Na Young Kim and Zbigniew Wasilewski discuss Advanced & Evolving Materials at the Waterloo Defence Research Forum
Event held on Thursday, October 10, 2019
The Waterloo Defence Research Forum discussed topics ranging from critical issues in cybersecurity to advances in autonomous technologies. As part of the forum, Na Young Kim and Zbigniew Wasilewski highlighted their TQT supported research on the panel entitled, Advanced and Evolving Materials. Each presented their view on promising new materials under development, funding avenues for future materials research and translational research pathways. For more information on Professor Kim and Wasileski’s TQT-supported projects, visit
Topological Properties of Exciton-Polaritons in a Kagome Lattice as a Solid-state Quantum Simulator
Materials for Majorana-based Topological Qubits
Development of Terahertz Polariton Lasers
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