Materials for Majorana-based Topological Qubits
Summary Topological qubits offer a novel pathway to scalable quantum computing by simultaneously allowing for ease of coupling between qubits and strong decoupling of qubits from noise and dissipation. The most promising direction explores the topologically induced protection of theoretically predicted exotic quasiparticles, the so-called Majorana Zero Modes or MZMs. To-date MZMs, which follow […]
January 28, 2019

Waterloo chemists create faster and more efficient way to process information
Friday, May 11, 2018 University of Waterloo chemists have found a much faster and more efficient way to store and process information by expanding the limitations of how the flow of electricity can be used and managed. In a recently released study, the chemists discovered that light can induce magnetization in certain semiconductors – the standard […]
May 14, 2018

Quantum Dot Enabled Organic Photo-Transistor
Friday, March 16, 2018 Congratulations to the team Fluorosense for placing 2nd in the Nanotechnology Capstone Project Symposium. The team developed a ‘Quantum Dot Enabled Organic Photo-Transistor’ to improve the responsivity of phototransistor detectors. Their goal was to decrease the concentration of the fluorescent agents required to produce a sufficient optical signal, and thereby […]
March 16, 2018

Development of Terahertz Polariton Lasers
Theoretical and experimental results show that the polariton lasing mechanism is a promising basis for a compact, efficient source of terahertz radiation.
July 1, 2017