Go to Spin Generation and High-Frequency Detection via the Quantum Nonlinear Anomalous Hall Effect in Weyl Semimetals

Spin Generation and High-Frequency Detection via the Quantum Nonlinear Anomalous Hall Effect in Weyl Semimetals
In magnetic conductors, the passage of current yields an electric field in the transverse direction even without an external magnetic field – this is known as the anomalous Hall effect (AHE). This effect can act as a convenient probe of spin ordering, magnetic textures, spin-orbit coupling, and band topology in solids, and can be further […]
April 19, 2023
Go to New research puts a spin on environmental defects

New research puts a spin on environmental defects
Friday, December 20, 2019 En français Magnetic fields are all around us—and even in us—all the time, and they often prove useful in technologies we rely on, like hard drives, MRI scanners and the power plants that provide us electricity. Measuring small magnetic fields at an atomic scale would allow even more applications in […]
December 20, 2019