Ultrafast Dynamical Studies of Valley-Based Qubits
Summary As monolayers, transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) – such as tungsten diselenide (WSe2) – become direct-bandgap semiconductors capable of emitting light. Compared to conventional direct-bandgap semiconductors, such as III-V semiconductors like GaAs, excitons (quasiparticles made of an electron hole bound with an electron) and single-layer TMDCs (SL-TMDCs) have much stronger binding energy. Excitons and […]
June 29, 2018

USEQIP 2018 Event held on Friday, June 1, 2018 At the start of the summer undergraduate students from around the world came to the University of Waterloo to participate in the USEQIP program, and learn about the theoretical and experimental study of quantum information. They attended lectures, conducted experiments, and explored Quantum Information Processing […]
June 1, 2018