New Quantum NanoFab Team Member: Dr. Sandra Gibson
Thursday, April 19, 2018
I’m very pleased to announce that Sandra Gibson will be joining the Quantum NanoFab team in the role of Nanofabrication and Characterization Scientist as of Monday, June 4, 2018.
Sandra obtained her PhD degree in Engineering Physics at McMaster University and just recently completed an appointment as a Postdoctoral Fellow in Michael Reimer’s group in IQC. Sandra has accumulated an impressive range of experience in characterization methods as well as in nanofabrication technologies which is certain to be of great benefit to our community. During her Postdoc she spent much time fabricating novel devices in the Quantum NanoFab and will therefore be in a great position to begin contributing to the success of our lab members and our team in the very near future.
Sandra will work under the leadership of Nathan Nelson-Fitzpatrick, Nanofabrication Process & Characterization Engineering Manager.
Nathan and I gratefully acknowledge the support of IQC and the CFREF-TQT program in making this important addition to the QNF team possible.
Please join Nathan and I in giving Sandra a warm welcome. Thank you.