Super Awesome Science Show: Demystifying the quantum realm
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
There’s something about the term quantum physics that brings both intrigue and intimidation. We see quantum as the way of the future but also know it’s one of the most complex branches of science.
On this week’s Super Awesome Science Show, we’re going to dive into this mysterious world to demystify it and reveal how it’s part of our everyday lives.
Our first guest is Tracey Forrest. She is the program director for Transformative Quantum Technologies at the University of Waterloo. We explore what makes quantum so fascinating and why it has such immense power over our imaginations. She also explains how the quantum world is already playing a role in many of the technologies we use today.
One of the most talked about aspects of quantum physics is quantum computing and we discuss the future with Alexandre Blais, a professor and the scientific director for the quantum institute at the University of Sherbrooke. We move away from the current computing mentality made up of bits and bytes and head into an area of research dominated by qubits.
In our SASS class, we’re going to find out how quantum physics will improve our ability to develop sustainable energy. Our guest teacher is Pavle Radovanovic at the University of Waterloo. His work focuses on nanocrystals. Unlike Swarovski crystals, which have the power of bling, the ones he’s working with may give us the ability to move away from non-reusable energy to improve our environment.
Twitter: @JATetro
Tracey Forrest
Program Director, Transformative Quantum Technologies, University of Waterloo
Alexandre Blais
Scientific Director, Quantum Institute, University of Sherbrooke
Twitter: @circuitqed
Pavle Radovanovic
Professor, Chemistry, University of Waterloo