Quantum Today: New Platforms for Two-Dimensional Electron Gases
Quantum Today: New Platforms for Two-Dimensional Electron Gases
Friday, March 17, 2023
Testing extraordinary science requires extraordinary tools. Two-dimensional electron gases can be realized in tightly confined semiconductor quantum wells. When paired with superconductors, these two-dimensional electron systems are a powerful resource for quantum technologies. Until now, engineering high-quality two-dimensional electron gases has only been reliable for certain semiconductors, which don’t necessarily have the best properties for all applications. In a recent result, IQC researchers have developed techniques to reliably create quantum wells in Indium Antimonide (InSb), showing their platform to be a strong candidate for topological quantum computing. In this instalment of Quantum Today, PhD Candidate Annelise Bergeron, Dr. François Sfigakis, and Prof. Jonathan Baugh discuss the challenges of building new platforms and how they may be used in future technologies.